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To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. Upgrade Procedure : click here to upgrade. Partitioning support for MySQL 5. Support of Show Profile and Status in Query.
Support of multi-resultset in Query, Stored Procedure. Support of SQL Preview for all object design forms. More table properties can be adjusted in Table design form. Support Preview and Explain in View Design form. Other enhancements: User Interface Object information is now shown in pane inside Navicat main form rather than pop-up modal dialog.
Support of drag and drop files e. Added confirm checkbox when delete system object e. Changed to use "Delete" instead of "OK" in delete confirm dialog. Added "Go to setting save path" in connection tree popup menu. Connection Ability to copy Connection Information into Clipboard. Improved support of auto-increment. Structure Synchronization More options to choose which objects to compare. Improved support of synchronizing auto-increment column. Data Transfer More options to choose for creating table.
Navicat Release Notes. Fixed timeout problem during the Backup run in Command Line. Fixed Data Transfer without target database name access violation in Command Line.
Fixed system color shows in grid. Fixed e-mail sending with authentication setting in Schedule. Fixed Open Table shortcut issue. Fixed Command Line crash. Provide better error log system for Data Synchronization. Structure Synchronization will not synchronize field comments. Ability to remember size and position for "New Query" window. Set focus on Query Editor when opening a new query. Bug Fixes: Fixed the backup problem which would generate error if object name contains apostrophe '.
No need to save the query before export to excel file. Scheduled Job does not populate "from" field in email.
Restore window position problem. Export dbf with or without memo issue. Fixed uppercase StoredProc in Manage users. Overflow in Server Monitor. Unicode problem in StoredProc designer. Comment are not shown in StoredProc designer after save.
Fixed popup position with dual monitor. Fixed number of crashes from query. Virtual Grouping - provides better categorization for objects. Form View - enjoy a clear display of field name and its value with focus on current record. Code Completion - speedup your sql writing. New Profile System - open profile on your desktop directly. Print Report to Files - export report to pdf, html and more.
E-mail Notification - send notification e-mail for schedule task. Incremental Search and more supports in Table View. Usability enhancement in Table Design.
Many other improvements on features and user-friendliness. Some features enhancements: Further data are shown in the tree view. Three colors are employed within the table grid to provide a better vision for users. Supports Query Parameter. Provides a short-cut to terminate a running query. Raw mode setting allows user to view the actual data value which stored in the MySQL database. Export Profile -the existing Navicat setting can be exported into a.
You can also reload the Navicat setting from a new machine. Query Builder supports to create a query from different databases which are within the same connection.
View Builder is an easy-way to create view. Stored Procedure - new editor window provides an easy-way to create stored procedure or stored function. Timeout reconnection - Auto-reconnection will be made to the SQL server. WordWrap built for Query and View Editor. Bug Fixes: Closing Navicat without prompt to save changed. Invisibility of Foreign Key constraint settings. Inconsistency of importing Access file. Time-Consuming for creating new query with numerous tables. DBF Import error.
Excel Export error as Text fields. Furthermore, it now supports MySQL 5. New features: Execute saved queries from command line. Save Import or Export wizard setting in a profile. You can execute saved profile from command line. Support importing multiple MS Access tables at once. MySQL Server v4. Duplicate Tables. Empty Tables. Bug Fixes on importing dbf file and Access file. Bug Fixes on using multiple monitors. Load SQL function fully supports Unicode.
More user friendliness improvement. Support of Form View. Support of exporting Excel file. Ability to send notification e-mail for schedule task, with an option to attach file output from Export Wizard or Data Transfer. Tabs are scrollable, having a button on the right side to select the tab. Support of setting font styles for object lists and editors. More shortcut keys are supported. Added "Definer" property in Event. Added control for setting Stored Procedure parameters and return types.
Connection Added Rename and Duplicate connection. Ability to copy Connection Information into Clipboard. Improved recognition accuracy for XML file. Unlimited import record sizes supported. Export Wizard A new interface supported. Support of multiple tables Export. Options to choose which fields to export. Additional options to set Date and Time format. Data Synchronization Added option to disable Foreign Key checking.
Structure Synchronization Increased Speed. Options to choose which objects to compare. Options to choose execution methods.
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